Last night's live really touched a nerve with me. Recently I've been struggling with chronic depression which has taken me to a very dark place and ultimately last week nearly ended my life!!!!
I'm now speaking extreme therapy and on a soul healing journey.
The reason why I'm opening up to you all, is to open a window for others and to let you know you're not alone no matter how much you feel you are!
It's easier to talk outside of your current circle.
These are not just words I'm here for anyone that wants to talk, cry or put the world to rights. We can chat here or dm me @phoebe2chloe on insta
I've literally been through it all!!!
I don't want anyone to feel the way I have, although still healing I believe we can help each other xxx
Sending you all so much love, warm and healing wishes xxx
You've got this! And our community has got you!!!!!
Dan xxx xxx 🕉️🥄🕉️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you so much for sharing this Danielle. I'm going through a similar thing due to illness and it's not a nice place to be but this post has really helped me and I just want to let you and the rest of the community I'm here happy to listen anytime sending love to each and everyone of you amazing people ❤